
A cervico-facial lift, or lower face and neck lift, is a procedure to correct sagging skin and muscles of the face and neck.
The goal of this intervention is to rejuvenate the face and neck while maintaining a natural, non-pulled look.

The technique providing natural and long-lasting results is a deep vertical lifting that restores tension in the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), while also lifting excess skin.
This procedure repositions structures as they had been a few years earlier by correcting the lower part of the face, eliminating jowls and reducing bitterness folds and nasolabial folds. It also corrects the neck by restoring the neck-chin angle to take care of the double chin.
The goal of the cervico-facial lift is therefore to restore the youthful appearance of the face, not to change the face’s shape or other aspects.


During your first consultation, Dr. Meziane listens to you carefully and answers all your questions. He provides all the information you need, as well as his expert opinion and advice.
We perform a complete facial check-up in order to properly define the details of your request.
Dr. Meziane then sends you all the explanations regarding pre-, per-, and post-operative procedures, such as bandages, analgesics, etc.

You will receive a quotation for the intervention at the end of the consultation.

Dr. Meziane diligently shares complete details about your intervention. He is, of course, at your service to answer any further questions you may have.

The intervention can take place no earlier than two weeks after the first consultation, notably to respect the legal reflection period.

Post-operative consultations

Eight days after the intervention.
Followed by three other appointments to verify results: 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year after the intervention.

All post-operative consultations are included in the intervention price.

Intervention: Facelift

  • Hospitalization: one night at the hospital, release the next day
  • Place: Clinique du Parc
  • Anesthesia: general
  • Intervention duration: 2 to 3 hours

Surgery follow-up

  • Bandage duration: the patient leaves the hospital the day following the intervention without any bandages.
  • Pain level: not much pain, but a slight sensation of discomfort or tension behind the ears and on the neck.
  • Visible signs: Swelling for 7 to 15 days
  • Resume regular activities: You may shampoo your hair the day after the intervention. Social activities can be resumed after 7 days (with make-up) and 15 days (without make-up).
  • Resume sports: Avoid contact sports for 2 to 3 months. You may resume gentle sports (such as gym and yoga) after 1 week.
  • Scar care: compress and antiseptic for 8 days
  • Results: immediate, definitive after swelling goes down
Make an appointment

A cervico-facial lift, or lower face and neck lift, is a procedure to correct sagging skin and muscles of the face and neck.
The goal of this intervention is to rejuvenate the face and neck while maintaining a natural, non-pulled look.

The technique providing natural and long-lasting results is a deep vertical lifting that restores tension in the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), while also lifting excess skin.
This procedure repositions structures as they had been a few years earlier by correcting the lower part of the face, eliminating jowls and reducing bitterness folds and nasolabial folds. It also corrects the neck by restoring the neck-chin angle to take care of the double chin.
The goal of the cervico-facial lift is therefore to restore the youthful appearance of the face, not to change the face’s shape or other aspects.


During your first consultation, Dr. Meziane listens to you carefully and answers all your questions. He provides all the information you need, as well as his expert opinion and advice.
We perform a complete facial check-up in order to properly define the details of your request.
Dr. Meziane then sends you all the explanations regarding pre-, per-, and post-operative procedures, such as bandages, analgesics, etc.

You will receive a quotation for the intervention at the end of the consultation.

Dr. Meziane diligently shares complete details about your intervention. He is, of course, at your service to answer any further questions you may have.

The intervention can take place no earlier than two weeks after the first consultation, notably to respect the legal reflection period.

Post-operative consultations

Eight days after the intervention.
Followed by three other appointments to verify results: 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year after the intervention.

All post-operative consultations are included in the intervention price.

Intervention: Facelift

  • Hospitalization: one night at the hospital, release the next day
  • Place: Clinique du Parc
  • Anesthesia: general
  • Intervention duration: 2 to 3 hours

Surgery follow-up

  • Bandage duration: the patient leaves the hospital the day following the intervention without any bandages.
  • Pain level: not much pain, but a slight sensation of discomfort or tension behind the ears and on the neck.
  • Visible signs: Swelling for 7 to 15 days
  • Resume regular activities: You may shampoo your hair the day after the intervention. Social activities can be resumed after 7 days (with make-up) and 15 days (without make-up).
  • Resume sports: Avoid contact sports for 2 to 3 months. You may resume gentle sports (such as gym and yoga) after 1 week.
  • Scar care: compress and antiseptic for 8 days
  • Results: immediate, definitive after swelling goes down
Make an appointment ¬ Neck liposuction Facial contour